¿Guerra de Cortes en Costa Rica? los conflictos entre las jurisdicciones constitucional y electoral

  1. Matarrita Arroyo, Mario
Supervised by:
  1. Joan Solanes Mullor Director
  2. Alejandro Sáiz Arnaiz Co-director

Defence university: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Fecha de defensa: 10 June 2022

  1. Ana María Carmona Contreras Chair
  2. Rafael Bustos Gisbert Secretary
  3. Aida Torres Pérez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 713096 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The investigation deals with the main causal motives for the emergence ofthe most important and recent conflicts between the Sala Constitucional and the Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, two ofthe most relevant jurisdictions in that Central American country. The study identifies and explains the reasons for such disputes between the high courts using atypical theories and methodological techniques in traditional legal studies, such as the Conflict Theory, of sociological roots, and Critical Discourse Studies, a tool of applied linguistics. The analyzes carried out allow to conclude that the conflict relations between the courts are produced by four main types of tension forces (organic, normative, discursive-pragmatic and behavioral) present in their interaction; as a corollary, and in addition, the study proposes adjustments whose implementation can mitigate the studied disputes, thereby alleviating the link between Costa Rican jurisdictions.