Procesamiento atencional de imágenes de miedo y ascoindicadores subjetivos, autonómicos, electromiográficos y electroencefalográficos

Supervised by:
  1. Elisabeth Ruiz Padial Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 13 October 2021

  1. Jaime Vila Castellar Chair
  2. Gustavo Adolfo Reyes del Paso Secretary
  3. M. Carmen Pastor Verchili Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 734753 DIALNET


The main goal of the present thesis was to investigate the role of the spatial frequency of emotional pictures and participants’ interoceptive accuracy on the capture of automatic attention by fear and disgust stimuli. The main findings suggest that: a) both stimuli have preferential access to the automatic attention mechanisms, regardless of their spatial frequency; and b) participants’ interoceptive accuracy seems to affect the time course of attentional capture producing a bias towards disgust stimuli. In addition, the first study explored the possibility of enhancing the intensity of fear and disgust elicited by emotional pictures inserted them into an emotional context. The results suggest that this manipulation has a limited effect at the physiological level, but mainly, it produces effects at the subjective level.