Transición a la vida adulta de adolescentes tutelados por la administraciónestudio sobre familias colaboradoras en Andalucía

  1. Cano López, Leticia
Supervised by:
  1. Macarena Espinilla Estévez Director
  2. Virginia Fuentes Gutiérrez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 15 November 2021

  1. Octavio Vázquez Aguado Chair
  2. María del Carmen Martín Cano Secretary
  3. Ewa Miszcak Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 733240 DIALNET


The child protection system acts as a guarantor of basic care. But the family is still the ideal place for psychosocial development. There are many children who do not have the possibility of growing up in the bosom of a family, and this is the reason for a programme carried out by the Junta de Andalucía, "Familias Colaboradoras", which complements the child protection centre, and provides the social and affective relationships that are lacking. The main objective is to find out the benefits that the families bring to the children and to study how this affects their transition to adult life. A qualitative methodology has been used, through interviews and focus groups, and the main result has been some significant changes in the children, positively influencing their transition to adult life.