Finanzas familiares durante el Covid-19distrito 1 del municipio de Sacaba (Bolivia)

Supervised by:
  1. María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez Director
  2. Carmen González González de Mesa Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 29 November 2022

  1. Antonio María Medina Rivilla Chair
  2. María Belén San Pedro Veledo Secretary
  3. Arturo Díaz Suárez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 787895 DIALNET


Currently, financial literacy becomes a fundamental tool to manage and protect family finances, which is generally transmitted through praxis, from parents to children, from relatives who are in the environment and from formal education. through higher education units. In this sense, the objetive this research work is describes and analyzes the characteristics of family finances during COVID-19, in district 1 of the municipality of Sacaba (Bolivia). In the development process of this research, the quantitative and qualitative method has been used, aimed at extending descriptive results, proceeding to the collection of numerical data through statistical techniques, applying research instruments known as surveys and interviews. By way of conclusion, it has been shown that the family finances of the analyzed population present a profound fragility in the face of economic contingencies.