Cómo hacer cosas con imágenes. Posibilidades educativas de las imágenes desde un enfoque performativo
- Maeso-Broncano, Ana 1
- Martínez-Morales, María
Universidad de Almería
ISSN: 2254-0709
Any de publicació: 2023
Número: 34
Pàgines: 137-150
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Artseduca
Since the interwar period of the 20th century, the image has replaced the word as the dominant medium for portraying appearances, in order to showing what is real (Berger, 2008). We live in an eminently visual world, in which we receive most information through images. Nevertheless, we foresee a future of uncertainty where the proliferation of images can easily lead to a fatigue of the gaze that leads to inaction. Therefore, a paradigm change is proposed that shifts the focus from the interpretation or reading of images to the transformation of realities through its use. The following study aims to rethink images from a performative approach, as well as to explore its educational possibilities. We approached the fundamental concepts and theories in performance studies and philosophy of language in order to understand the term performativity. Likewise, theories around image and its performative possibilities are presented in order to eventually evaluate its applications in the field of education. The image is conceived as a living element that generates experience when it is produced and perceived: it builds our gaze, as well as our imaginaries, configured in an intersubjective way. In opposition of the current visual hegemony, it is proposed to understand the creation of own images as powers of transformation of realities. This is a fundamental objective for an education that aims to look to the future and actively influence it. It is essential to generate the basis of critical thinking around the visual in education in order to transform realities: to build a more participatory and fairer society.
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