Educación y publicidad audiovisualUn estudio para el aprendizaje de las enseñanzas musicales y formación del profesorado

Supervised by:
  1. Eufrasio Pérez Navío Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 13 September 2022

  1. Antonio María Medina Rivilla Chair
  2. José Antonio Torres González Secretary
  3. Inmaculada García Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 782973 DIALNET


The education as principal component of the social hatch, is the best instrument to organize equality and freedom for everybody. In the comunication society that we live, the field of the publicity creates spaces with all kind of messages that in several situations, are transmited unconsciously. General objective: to study the teaching-learning process making interdisciplinary relations between education, sexism, publicity and bioethics. Methodology: it’s focus on the investigation-action-educative-artistic method and on the phenomenology, using as investigation technique the interview: Education and audiovisual publicity. Leaders. Conclusions: as a result of the results obtained, we can say that the objectives and the hypothesis have been demostrated by triangle interpretation of the data with the investigation interview for the final report. Nowadays, new technologies have been introduced in the classroom just as the innovative education. We set out to continue the investigation to another social contexts, focus on the faculty formation.