José Corbella (1891-1959) y su obra constructiva. La Capilla de la Virgen de la Cabeza (1918-1921)
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 0561-3590
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 226
Pages: 93-129
Type: Article
More publications in: Boletín del Instituto de Estudios Giennenses
José Corbella introduces us to the architecture of Andújar in the 20th century as the guiding thread of its constructive evolution and its transformation from Eclecticism to the Modern Movement. His versatility is undeniable: he moves in two years from eclectic design to neo-Gothic historicist one, and only three years separate the main regionalist construction (Casa Espejo) from one of the most finished functionalist works (Viña Gisbert). His versatility is largely due to his experience as a master builder, because he was born into a family with a building tradition. He studied for two years at the School of Arts and Crafts in Madrid, although he did not complete his first technical-industrial studies as a quantity surveyor. The flourishing architectural panorama that the city began in the second decade of the 20th century made Corbella respond to his father’s call and begin his building odyssey in the city. As a result, he made building practice his real school, because he could not sign projects, so he turned to some of the architects with whom he worked.
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