El reto de la Educación en Emprendimiento en la Universidadpercepciones del estudiantado de Educación
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 0212-4068, 1989-9106
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 41
Issue: 1
Pages: 205-222
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de investigación educativa, RIE
Entrepreneurship education is a reality in higher education institutions, although it does not reach all students in the same way. Students of Education Degrees do not generally consider this option as a career option at the end of their university education. This paper analyzes the perceptions of these students on the entrepreneurial phenomenon, as well as their job expectations after their university studies. This is a quantitative, descriptive-correlational research, based on the survey technique using questionnaire (n=886). The results obtained indicate that these students have a good concept of entrepreneurs, although the data confirm that entrepreneurship and self-employment are not considered by the group analyzed a major option for accessing the labor market. However, there is an increase in the possibilities of entrepreneurship among students in their final years, who are close to entering the labor market. The limited professional expectations of this group stand out, centered mainly on joining public educational centers through a competitive examination. This reinforces the need to continue working on the entrepreneurial phenomenon in these students, since the efforts made by universities do not reach all students equally.
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