InLIFETecnologías del Lenguaje aplicadas alenvejecimiento activo
- Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras 1
- Fernando Martínez-Santiago 1
- Luis Alfonso Ureña-López 1
- María Teresa Martín-Valdivia 1
- Arturo Montejo-Ráez 1
- Manuel García-Vega 1
- Manuel Carlos Dıaz-Galiano 1
- María Dolores Molina-González 1
- Salud María Jiménez-Zafra 1
- Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco 1
- María Rosario García Viedma 2
- 1 Department of Computer Science, Advanced Studies Center in ICT (CEATIC), Universidad de Jaén. Campus Las Lagunillas
- 2 Department of Psychology, Universidad de Jaén. Campus Las Lagunillas
- Miguel A. Alonso (ed. lit.)
- Margarita Alonso-Ramos (ed. lit.)
- Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez (ed. lit.)
- David Vilares (ed. lit.)
- Jesús Vilares (ed. lit.)
Publisher: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Year of publication: 2022
Pages: 14-17
Type: Book chapter
Human language determines how we relate to each other and even how we think andconceive the reality in which we participate. conceive of the reality in which we participate. It is the mainmeans of communication with our environment, and through which each person is cognitively modeled, asstudied by psycholinguistics. person, as studied by psycholinguistics. The main objective of this project isthe study and development of an intelligent conversational assistant, based on Human LanguageTechnologies (HLT), which allows dialogue with elderly people in order to maintain and improve theirsocial welfare. These technologies are integrated into the routines and interests of the elderly: assistance inthe performance of daily household chores and activities that exercise and activities that exercise short-,medium- and long-term memory. The monitoring of the interaction with the virtual assistant allows forsubsequent evaluation by professionals in the field of psychology