La innovación tecnológica en la enseñanza universitariaanálisis de un caso de utilización de foro y chat
- Márquez García, Alfonso Miguel
- Garrido Álvarez, María Teresa
- Moreno Martos, María del Carmen
ISSN: 1695-288X
Any de publicació: 2006
Volum: 5
Número: 1
Pàgines: 31-57
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
European universities are advancing on a process of harmonization of the European Higher Education. The new university of the future transforms its mission from a knowledge transmitting perspective to a new university of learning and of the “know how” that requires new models of collaborative knowledge construction, supported by the growing usage of Information Technologies (IT). IT should be used more than just a complement to class teaching, but taking advantage of its potential to generate an added value in the teaching‐learning processes. Nevertheless, in many occasions the theoretical advantages overcome to the actual ones due to the lack of enough and appropriate technological resources and abilities of faculty and students. In this paper we present some of the technological resources and abilities of the students that are attending a subject that has been divided in two groups. One of them has used a forum and a chat room as technological tools for supporting the teaching‐learning process. The aim is to observe if we could find differences in the perceptions of these tools utility among the groups, according to its involvement in this experience.
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