Art as an attractive methodology of resilience and self-esteem

  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España


Journal of Human Sport and Exercise: JHSE

ISSN: 1988-5202

Año de publicación: 2022

Volumen: 17

Número: 4

Páginas: 802-815

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.14198/JHSE.2022.174.08 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Otras publicaciones en: Journal of Human Sport and Exercise: JHSE


The objective of this research is to know the relationship between the level of self-esteem and resilience that people with intellectual disabilities have and the methodology of work including art. In this study, a mixed methodology has been used, the resilience indicator chosen in this research was the level of self-esteem. For the collection of data, a Likert scale and a semi-structured interview were used. The results show that there are significant differences between the self-esteem of people with intellectual disabilities that are influenced by methodologies that include art, concerning to other methodologies.

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