Concreciones de arenisca como criterio de identificación y correlación estratigráfica de regresiones forzadasUn ejemplo desde las areniscas cretácicas de la Formación Cerrajón (Zonas Externas de la Cordillera Bética)

  1. García-García, Fernando
  2. Gea Guillén, Ginés Alfonso de
  3. Navarro, Vicente

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 48

Pages: 55-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta

Sustainable development goals


Calcite-cemented concretions were studied from Lower Cretaceous forced-regressive shoreface sandstones (Cerrajón Fm, External Zones, Betic Cordillera). During early diagenetic, patchy calcite cement consolidates clean and well-sorted sand in the form of concretions of spheroidal to oval shape within host sand uncemented. Then a new relative sea level fall characterised by incised valleys cutting the overlying TST and HST pelagic marls and also cutting shoreface sandstones (concretions host) is reported. Coastal and presumably subaerial reworking of exposed sandstone concretions by relative sea-level fall erosion (intensively bored by lithophaga, Fe-oxidized surface, oysters and corals attached) fill the incised valleys in proximal areas and they are also found isolated into distal marls.