¿Es eficaz la marca WHS en la atracción de turismo internacional? Evidencia sobre España
- Julio Vena Oya 1
- Ana Belén Mudarra Fernández 1
- Alberto Calahorro López 1
- Ana María Cazallo Antúnez 1
- 1 Universidad de Jaén (España)
ISSN: 1695-7121
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 20
Issue: 2
Pages: 275-284
Type: Article
More publications in: Pasos: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
This research aims to clarify if the WHS acknowledgement is capable of attracting international tour‑ ists to sites in spain, purely on its own. to that end, we analysed tourist arrivals by country of departure as visited 12 of the 15 cities that bear the distinction of unesco world heritage sites to see what nationalities visited where and identifying what characteristics drew certain nationalities to certain places. two segments were found to be clearly differentiated, allowing us to come to the conclusion that the WHS award was not sufficient in itself to draw international tourism with requirements for further tourist incentives to bring the international tourists in
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