Aspectos contextuales, pragmáticos y metadiscursivos en la escritura académica del alumnado universitario

  1. Maqueda Cuenca, Eugenio 1
  2. García Ruiz, Mª Aurora 1
  3. Garrido Berlanga, Mª Ángela 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Málaga

    Universidad de Málaga

    Málaga, España


Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación

ISSN: 1576-4737

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Monografía: La escritura académica en el contexto universitario del siglo XXI

Issue: 88

Pages: 51-58

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/CLAC.78296 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación

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We consider that when we analyze how our students produce their academic texts, the linguistic, cultural and technological context that surrounds them must be taken into account, as well as the way they interact. Considering this context, we will be able to realize that what we ask is not only a huge linguistic effort for them, but it is also completely removed from their communicative reality. In this work we analyze the personal linguistic context of our students, thus introducing a new perspective when approaching the problems that university students face when they write academic texts. Being aware that they have not had adequate preparation, we offer some guidelines that, from a pragmatic point of view, can serve to make these deficiencies less obvious, because only with careful practice of the different skills that are required to write this type of writings could obtain the desired results.

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