Ética de la alimentaciónjusticia, salud y sostenibilidad. La propuesta ecofeminista por la soberanía alimentaria
- Pagnussatt Martinez, Eva
- María José Guerra Palmero Director
- Txetxu Ausín Díez Director
Defence university: Universidad de Murcia
Fecha de defensa: 27 January 2022
- José Salvador Arellano Rodríguez Chair
- Blanca Soro Mateo Secretary
- Isabel Balza Committee member
Type: Thesis
My work aims to approach the multicausal phenomenon of food in a holistic way, structuring the work in three differentiated parts: A first part, of posing the research problem, a second part where the objective is to critically analyze, from the principles of Ethics Applied and Global Bioethics, the dominant industrial food production system, considering and identifying the evidence that points to it as directly responsible for the violation of the human right to food and as a massive source of vulnerability, affecting more intensely the women because of the structural inequalities that we endure. The ecofeminist approach adopted in this research and represented by the prominent philosopher and human rights activist Vandana Shiva, will allow me to address in an intersectional way the different patriarchal violence intersected in this complex scenario; towards women, nature, animals and the poorest peasants. Subsequently, the research has focused on exploring the axes related to health, sustainability and food justice as well as reflecting on the principles, strategies and initiatives that contribute to outlining a Food Ethics that allows moving from the current agri-food paradigm harmful to life, towards other models of food production, distribution, commercialization and consumption, such as Agroecology. The central proposal of Food Sovereignty, and its democratic roots, responds to human needs while respecting the ethical principles of health, sustainability and local and global justice. Ultimately, it is about promoting agri-food systems that can guarantee security and the human right to food for all without destroying ecosystems. In Shiva's words, to move from the paradigm of Food Dictatorship to the paradigm of Food Democracy. The current health and social crisis that we are experiencing has revealed our global food vulnerability and the true importance of food (and agriculture) in our lives, as an essential and strategic activity for the development and survival of our societies. Such evidence confirms the purpose of this research work and gives new impetus to its execution. This work, providing official reports, studies, data and statistics has made it possible to establish a direct or indirect causal relationship between the presented imbalances and the globalized industrial model of food production. The verdict is conclusive: This model is unsafe, ecocidal, unfair and immoral, it puts the economic benefits of companies before public health, human rights and the protection of the environment, it is also found to be a source of massive production of vulnerability; food, health and social. Food becomes an ethical issue of humanitarian urgency and philosophy, in its branch of Applied Ethics, is presented as a tool with the capacity for transformation, because as Marx affirmed, philosophy does not have to settle for making a mere description of the world , but must aspire to transform it. This work constitutes, in a field practically unexplored from ethics and political philosophy, a first approach of an incipient and partial nature, which aims to contribute modestly to the foundation of a new discipline that could be called Food Ethics, aimed at supervising, analyzing and evaluate the agri-food activity in its entire chain, from production to consumption. For this, a decalogue of the minimum criteria that can form the nucleus of this future discipline has been prepared, hoping that it will serve as a guide for the much-needed food transition. Structuring the articulation of the elements in four cardinal axes: 1- Global Bioethics 2- Food Justice, 3- Human Health, Animal Health and Planetary Health, 4- North-South Global Justice and Gender Justice.