La música en la catedral de Jaén durante el magisterio de Francisco Guerrero
- Pedro Jiménez Cavallé
- Luis Coronas Tejada
ISSN: 0213-2192
Argitalpen urtea: 1992
Zenbakia: 7
Orrialdeak: 35-42
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Guadalbullón: Revista de educación
After dealing with the introduction of chapel instruction in the cathedral of Jaen and mentioning the rnasters that preceded Francisco Guerrero, the paper goes on to study the music infrastructure of his time: the music chapel, its creation (singers, minstrels, choir boys), organs... It then reports the polyphonic repertoire at the time this Andalusian musician lived and the works he delivered when he no longer resided in that church. Enclosed are Guerrero's letter and the 1657 inventory that bear witness to these facts