Derecho a la educación y necesidad de orientación educativa

  1. María Dolores Hueso Villegas
Guadalbullón: Revista de educación

ISSN: 0213-2192

Ano de publicación: 1991

Número: 6

Páxinas: 11-26

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Guadalbullón: Revista de educación


Education will only be valid as long as there is real justice in providing opportuni­ties for everybody. Man must update innate abilities and skills if he is to improve in life. Having just "finite" and "located" free­dom, he feels that geographic, cultural, social and economic factors either hinder or help in the development of his potential. Specific equality as well as individual inequality demand that education, especially orientation in education, lead man to full development thus helping him to make the choice that suits his abilities and interests best. The present reform of education means new directions for the young in their triple condition of individual, citizen and worker. The LOGSE makes clear that ex­tending the right of high standard educa­tion to everybody is the best way to fight inequality.