Los mecanismos de acceso a la Carrera Fiscal.Reflexiones sobre un modelo.

  1. Cristóbal Francisco, Fábrega, Ruiz 1
  1. 1 Fiscal de los Tribunales
Revista de educación y derecho = Education and law review

ISSN: 2013-584X 2386-4885

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación y derecho = Education and law review


In the present work focuses on the recruitment and training systems applicable to the Career Prosecutor in order to achieve the best professionals for our future. After asking what the Prosecutor model we want for our country, we have a tour of the different access systems and training of the nations around us, and then we focus on our current system, highlighting potential weaknesses. Finally, we propose a system of access without leaving the current opposition, with the improvements necessary understand, try setting it as a mere bridge between a humanistic and sufficient college and an intensive initial training, supplemented throughout the race continuing education in general and modern.

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