Inteligencia emocional en alumnado de Educación Secundaria en contextos multiculturales

  1. Pegalajar Palomino, Mª del Carmen
  2. Colmenero Ruiz, María Jesús
Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

ISSN: 1696-2095

Año de publicación: 2014

Volumen: 12

Número: 33

Páginas: 325-342

Tipo: Artículo


Otras publicaciones en: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

Información de financiación

Modern society is characterized by the creation of multicultural environments where each and every member of the educational community is required to understand and respect the diversity of languages, lifestyles, behaviors, feelings, emotions, etc. According to Repetto, Pena, Mudarra & Uribarri (2007), contact with disparate ethnic groups requires recognition of a multiplicity of approaches and, therefore, the development of dialogical and democratic educational institutions,encouraging coexistence and empowerment of individual students and cultural approaches. The "Intercultural Open Classrooms" program, developed by the Spanish League for Education and Popular Culture and funded by the European Social Fund, aims to achieve socio-educational integration of immigrant students and their families in Primary and Secondary Education. Their goal is to form heterogeneous group spaces that facilitate intercultural experiences and learning exchange, through curricular adaptation and leisure time based on inter-culturalism, values education and coexistence.


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