Asociaciones de bivalvos, conodontos y foraminíferos del triásico medio de la cordillera bética y su comparación con la ibérica

  1. M.J. Escudero-Mozo
  2. J.A. Pérez-Valera
  3. F., Hirsch
  4. L. Márquez
  5. A. Márquez-Aliaga
  6. A. Pérez-López
  7. F. Pérez-Valera
  8. P. Plasencia
Actas de las XXXII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología
  1. Meléndez Hevia, Guillermo (dir.)
  2. Núñez, Alizia (dir.)
  3. Tomás, Marta (dir.)

Publisher: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

ISBN: 978-84-9138-016-0

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 53-60

Congress: Sociedad Española de Paleontología. Jornadas (32. 2016. null)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


This first compilation of the fossil record of the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) Muschelkalk facies in the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain). Its comparison with the fossil associations known from the Iberian Ranges (Western Spain) provides an insight in the common biostratigraphy. This allows the correlation of the Ladinian formations across a wide paleogeographic domain extending from South to Northeast over the Iberian Peninsula. The bivalves, conodonts and foraminifers define the changing facies conditions between Betic (B) and Iberian (I) paleogeographic areas across the identified ammonoid chronostratigraphic zones Curionii, Vilanovai/Awadi, Vilanovai/ Epigonus and Hispanicum, from SE to NW within the Western part of the Sephardic Faunal Province (see Pérez-Valera et al., this volume). One third of all cited faunas are common to both realms (BI) while one tenth characterize the Sephardic Faunal (red). The remainders are common to the Alpine and Germanic Triassic. Abundant Sephardic bivalves, such as Pseudoplacunopsis flabellum and Costatoria kiliani are characteristic for the Betic area, their presence in the Negev, Israel having been confirmed (Hirsch et al., 2014). The cosmopolitan brachiopod Lingularia is common to both areas. Conodonts are sephardic, present in both areas (BI), Pseudofurnishius murcianus being most abundant in the Late Fassanian (Vilanovai / Awadi-Epigonus Zone), while Sephardiella mungoensis marks the Longobardian (Hispanicum Zone). Foraminifers are most abundant in the Vilanovai Zone in the Iberian Range (BI), while the Betic External Zones (B) area reveals a bio-event of colonization at the level of maximum inundation (Curionii Zone - Awadi Subzone). Specific affinities are Alpine and Tethyan. Lamelliconus cordevolicus and L. multispirus occur in Israel (Korngreen and Benjamini, 2006).