El valor de una tradiciónEl arte de la orfebrería en la Semana Santa de Córdoba

  1. Herrera Pérez, Sarai
Arte y Semana Santa
  1. Vidal Bernabé, Inmaculada (coord.)
  2. Cañestro Donoso, Alejandro (coord.)

Publisher: Hermandad del Cristo

ISBN: 978-84617-5145-7

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 395-408

Congress: Congreso Nacional, Arte y Semana Santa celebrado en Monóvar (1. 2014. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


The Cordoba brotherhoods cherish a long and rich artistic heritage that has been gathered over time with a main motivation, exalt and worship their sacred headlines. These assets we find assets belonging to the imagery, embroidery or length, and of course, the noble art of goldsmithing. In this case, we can not ignore how in Cordoba, throughout history, the goldsmith demonstrates a long and brilliant tradition that spans from the Middle Ages, with figures like Enrique de Arfe, until today. Therefore, the main objective of our communication is nonother than to provide an overview, but full time on the stylistic and functional evolution of jewelry present in the Holy Week in Cordoba, in the hands of its author�s illustrious and the most representative pieces.