La educación y el apoyo parental hacia la actividad física como promoción de hábitos saludables en los escolares

  1. E. Blanco-Calvo
  2. R.M. Guevara-Ingelmo
  3. J.D. Urchaga-Litago
  4. J.E. Moral-García
Papeles salmantinos de educación

ISSN: 1578-7265

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Nummer: 25

Seiten: 99-115

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Papeles salmantinos de educación


The practice of physical activity includes various activities of daily life, so it brings innumerable benefits to people’s health, from the physiological, psychological and social fields. Although it is known that PA improves quality of life and health, sedentary habits are currently proliferating, failing to comply with PA practice recommendations, which poses a health risk, transcending from adolescence until adulthood. To reverse the current excessive sedentary lifestyle, the role of the family is important, hence parental support for the practice of PA exerts a very positive influence. In fact, adolescents whose parents are physically active or who support their children in the development and maintenance of healthy habits, present higher levels of PA compared to their peers who haven´t so much support from their parents. That is why it is essential, in the initial stages of life, that the children have an education where the habitual practice of PA is promoted, since this will have a positive effect on their health, projecting these benefits also in adulthood.

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