Aportación a la generación distribuida. Análisis del autoconsumo fotovoltaico en el sector industrial
- Francisco José Muñoz Rodríguez Director
- Catalina Rus Casas Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 29 June 2021
- Inmaculada Plaza García Chair
- Gabino Almonacid Puche Secretary
- Pablo Angel Valera Martínez Committee member
Type: Thesis
The thesis studies the suitability of photovoltaic systems for self-consumption in the industrial sector. In this sense, real data on electricity consumption profiles of various industries have been analyzed, as well as the generation profiles of photovoltaic systems of different powers. The selected industries, oil mills and the industrial cold sector, apart from being for what procedes interesting candidates for photovoltaic self-consumption, are industries that have a wide presence in the Spanish geography. The methodology developed, which is easily extrapolated to any industry, analyzes the data collected during a year defining the level of coupling between the generation and consumption curves through self-consumption, self-sufficiency indices and a novel and original parameter, the self-sufficiency index in solar hours. The latter allows defining the level of self-sufficiency, adapting to the characteristics of electricity consumption in the industrial sector.