La docencia de nuevas asignaturas en la Titulación de Grado en Trabajo Socialuna experiencia respecto a evaluar su planificación y desarrollo e introducir mejoras

  1. Pedro P. Chamorro Barranco 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España


El trabajo social ante los desafíos de un mundo en cambio [Recurso electrónico]
  1. Vázquez Aguado, Octavio (ed. lit.)
  2. Fuente Robles, Yolanda María de la

Publisher: Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 978-84-15147-99-2

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 1053-1071

Congress: Congreso Nacional de Facultades de Trabajo Social (9. 2012. Jaén)

Type: Conference paper


The following paper describes the evaluation process to assess the structure and development of a part of a subject, which it has been taught in Degree in Social Work from the University of Jaén during the academic year 2010/11, the first in which subject that has taken place. For this assessment, in order to introduce various improvements in the training of students and to be introduced in the next academic year, it is considered appropriate to analyze aspects of planning and development of the subject, the results, as well as assessments of students and teachers responsible for their teaching. The results obtained in the evaluations of the students, evaluation of these specific aspects of the subjects on which they have been able to assess, as well as the evaluation and the interpretation by the teachers responsible for this part of counsel, as reflected in the work development, to make some changes in planning both in the structuring the course contet, teaching methodoly and assessment system of students. The experience described in this paper can serve as an example in a process of continuous improvement of training that is offered to students, demonstrating the convenience if not the necessity, to conduct an continuous evaluation and development planning of the subject taught.