Docencia universitaria en terapia ocupacional comunitariaUna mirada desde las y los formadores en Chile

  1. Antonio Luque de la Rosa Zuzendaria
  2. María del Mar Fernández Martínez Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 2021(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 19

  1. José Antonio Torres González Presidentea
  2. José Juan Carrión Martínez Idazkaria
  3. Pedro José Arrifano Tadeu Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 674362 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


The present doctoral thesis emerges as an answer in light of the scarce investigation that currently exists in Chile, regarding the university formation of Occupational Therapy students and growing community practice, given that the graduates that will perform in this area are required to develop specific competencies. In light of this problem, a qualitative investigation, of descriptive nature, has been carried out, considering all Chilean universities that impart the career through an analysis of content in a targeted approach towards graduation profiles and curricula, as well as syllabi and associated programs. This is complemented by interviews with experts, educators of community and social issues, and Occupational Therapy program directors in order to analyze pedagogical practices that guide the formation of university students of Occupational Therapy in the community field in Chile. Through these interviews, we look for the links and conceptions associated with Community Occupational Therapy, as much from personal experience, from teaching, as well as historical and generational experience, an exploration of the theoretical, procedural, attitudinal, and transversal contents necessary for the development of students; the methodologies and activities of teaching-learning, evaluative systems, and elements to improve the current practices from the educators. Through this investigation, we pose to define the scopes of this discipline through clear approaches from specific subjects, incorporating the biomedical aspect as much as the social aspect; or, presenting the community as a quality inherent to Occupational Therapy. This definition would allow for the systemization of modules and the subsequent democratization of knowledge to impart a shared conception of the formation of the professional from contents to methodology and evaluative processes to encourage the development of the Occupational Therapy student that will perform in the territories and communities, towards an integral professional, of interdisciplinary work competencies, oriented towards universal human rights, centered in the occupation and it users, with soft skills, able to face social injustices through participative practices in territories and with populations and communities