Aplicaciones de la realidad virtual y realidad aumentada en medicinadiagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación

Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Feito Higueruela Director
  2. Juan Roberto Jimenez Perez Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 05 March 2021

  1. Juan Carlos Torres Cantero Chair
  2. Lidia M. Ortega Alvarado Secretary
  3. Joaquim Joao Estrela Ribeiro Silvestre Madeiro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 661093 DIALNET


Virtual reality and augmented reality have been employed to help and improve human capabilities for years in many professional and personal fields. Medicine has benefited from them since the last century, by allowing to introduce these technologies in procedures such as diagnosis, assistance, rehabilitation or treatment, among others. Its main objective is focused on increasing patient safety and reducing recovery time. This thesis focuses on processes related to orthopedic and trauma surgery, with special emphasis on bone fracture reduction. In addition, representing models of the human body are proposed, compatible with new requirements of virtual and augmented reality. Moreover, we propose systems centered on specialists (medical training and assistance) and patients (treatments and diagnostic tools).