Estudio de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, ansiedad, depresión y calidad del sueño en personas de mediana y avanzada edad, y su relación con la sarcopenia, obesidad y obesidad sarcopénica
- Fidel Hita Contreras Director/a
- David Cruz Diaz Codirector
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 05 de marzo de 2020
- Raúl Ortiz Quesada Presidente
- Agustín Aibar Almazán Secretario
- Guadalupe Molina Torres Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
In this doctoral thesis the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the sarcopenia specific quality of life questionnaire (SarQoL®) were firstly performed in ≥ 65 years old adults, showing good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, concurrent validity and divergent, and been able to discriminate between participants with and without sarcopenia. Secondly, sarcopenia and obesity and their association with health-related quality of life (HRQOL), sleep quality and duration, and the level of anxiety and depression, showing the following independent associations: i) Lower muscle strength and gait speed were related to worse HRQOL. ii) Greater depressive symptoms were associated with sarcopenia and worse sleep quality were linked to greater general (together with lower sleep duration) and abdominal obesity. iii) worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety were associated with lower gait speed and decreased muscle mass respectively.