Significados institucionales y personales de los estadísticos de orden en la educación secundaria

  1. Carmen Batanero 1
  2. Silvia M. Valenzuela-Ruiz 1
  3. María Magdalena Gea 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Matemáticas, Educación y Sociedad

ISSN: 2603-9982

Any de publicació: 2020

Volum: 3

Número: 2

Pàgines: 21-39

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Matemáticas, Educación y Sociedad


The aim of this work is to characterize the institutional meaning of order statistics in Secondary Education (ESO and High School), by identifying the elementary mathematical objects required in the work with the same. To achieve this goal, we present a semiotic approach using Ontosemiotic Approach to Mathematical Knowledge and Instruction(OSA), whichrevealsthe complexity of its meaning, even in descriptive analysis.We also summarizethe main difficulties identified in previous research to characterize the personal meaning that students may assign to these statistics. This information is useful in order to identify these difficulties and help students to overcome them.

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