Tablas de contingenciaDesarrollo de recursos virtuales

  1. Cañadas de la Fuente, Gustavo Raúl
  2. Contreras García, José Miguel
  3. Gea, María Magdalena
  4. Arteaga Cezón, José Pedro
Redes educativas: La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento
  1. Morales Lozano, Juan Antonio
  2. Barroso Osuna, Julio Manuel

Verlag: Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-940062-0-3

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Seiten: 1-9

Kongress: Redes educativas. La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento (1. 2012. Sevilla)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


We currently find numerous didactic tools on the Internet; however their potential usefulness depends on both the knowledge they provide and their use by the teacher. In this paper, we describe a course directed to virtual teaching of contingency tables and related concepts and procedures; in particular association and independence, the Chi- squared test and association coefficients. This course was experimented in data analysis courses in Psychology