Recursos en internet para apoyar la comprensión de la probabilidad condicional

  1. Contreras García, José Miguel
  2. Cañadas de la Fuente, Gustavo Raúl
  3. Arteaga Cezón, José Pedro
  4. Gea, María Magdalena
Redes educativas: La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento
  1. Morales Lozano, Juan Antonio
  2. Barroso Osuna, Julio Manuel

Editorial: Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-940062-0-3

Ano de publicación: 2012

Páxinas: 1-9

Congreso: Redes educativas. La educación en la sociedad del conocimiento (1. 2012. Sevilla)

Tipo: Achega congreso


We currently find numerous didactic tools in Internet; however its potential usefulness will depend on the knowledge that they facilitate and its use by the teacher. In this paper, we analyze some resources that serve to visualize probability concepts; in particular conditional probability and independence, some topics for which a large number of difficulties have been described. These resources help facilitate understanding of these mathematical objects, their properties or related theorems. For some examples we analyses the mathematical object implicit in the resource, the possible students� difficulties and the didactic suitability. We also present a selection of these resources