Implementación y mejora de procesos lectoescritores en alumnos con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) basadas en la animación 3D
- Campos Soto, Natalia
- Juan Antonio López Núñez Director
- Francisco Manuel Gómez Campos Director
Defence university: Universidad de Granada
Fecha de defensa: 30 April 2021
- Juan José Leiva Olivencia Chair
- María Pilar Cáceres Reche Secretary
- María Jesús Colmenero Ruiz Committee member
- Julio Ruiz Palmero Committee member
- Dalila Durães Committee member
Type: Thesis
This compendium of publications addresses the importance of the use of technology in reducing the learning difficulties of students in general and those with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN) in particular, such as students diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For this reason, in the first publication, a study is carried out to analyse the current situation of the scientific literature, present in the Scopus database, on the existing research on the subject. The results show that diachronic productivity between 1975 and 2019 has increased considerably, from a production of 0.014% to 8.79% of publications related to the use of ICTs in the reduction of learning difficulties of primary school students. This significant increase occurs from 2010 onwards, when the publication of scientific literature doubles. The research concludes by proposing to carry out similar studies in other databases such as Dialnet and the Web of Science. It also concludes by highlighting the importance of the use of new methodologies, such as the use of ICT, in the educational field, given that it has a positive influence on the reduction of learning difficulties presented by students in general and those with SEN in particular. The second publication presents the results of the evaluation of two groups of primary school students, 6 diagnosed with ADHD (experimental group) and 8 students who do not have any type of disorder or limitation (control group). The evaluation was carried out with the aim of analysing whether there are significant differences in reading and writing processes between the two groups and, on the basis of the results obtained, to design an instrument for the implementation and improvement of these processes. The instruments used in the evaluation were Prolec-R (reading process evaluation battery) and Proesc (writing process evaluation battery). The proposal has been carried out with Blender, free software dedicated mainly to modelling, animation and the creation of three-dimensional graphics. The results show that the experimental group presents a much higher rate of difficulties in the writing process than in reading, presenting significant differences in writing with respect to the control group. However, in relation to reading they present differences but they are not significant as they have presented difficulty in only one dimension (semantic processes of sentences). In this sense, we present a proposal for an innovative tool that can be used for intervention in ADHD students with learning difficulties in reading, but mainly in writing. In the third publication, a review of the scientific literature is carried out to find out the potential of gamification as a resource in the reading and writing processes of students with ADHD, and thus to find out to what extent ICT can contribute to reducing the learning difficulties of this group. Some of the digital tools that are currently being used in the educational field to work on reading and writing in a playful and active way with these children are presented. The research concludes by highlighting gamification as an attractive and novel methodology for all students in general, but mainly for those with attention problems, since, through these resources, activities can be presented in a more fun way, capturing the attention of these subjects and helping to reduce one of their main symptoms. Based on the results of this study, the foundations have been established for the construction of an instrument using graphic software that allows us to create animations for the implementation and improvement of reading and writing processes in students with ADHD, focused, as specified above, on writing, since these students have more difficulties in these processes. However, there is a much higher percentage of resources and research related to difficulties in reading than in writing.