La enseñanza del español en línea (ELE)Un nuevo modelo de aprendizaje del léxico y la cultura (niveles A2-B1)

  1. García Fernández, María
Supervised by:
  1. María del Carmen Ávila Martín Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 01 June 2020

  1. Antonio Martínez Chair
  2. María Remedios Sánchez García Secretary
  3. Andjelka Pejović Committee member
  4. Ventura Salazar García Committee member
  5. María del Mar Espejo Muriel Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis deals with the teaching-learning of Spanish as a foreign language in its virtual modality. It starts from the study of the platforms that are used in these teaching environments and analyzes the profile of students and teachers of Spanish as a foreign language online. Likewise, teaching-learning strategies for the lexical and culture component for level A2-B1 are proposed. This research starts from the hypothesis that the teaching of an L2 in the online environment presents different strategies than in the face-to-face modality. The use of technology as the only means of teaching implies an especially visual and oral interaction while learning a foreign language. In addition, virtuality influences the cultural and lexical component, depending on the skills of the teacher and the student and the type of materials in the online classroom. The theoretical framework places us in the field of virtuality in the area of language teaching and its influences on learning styles, where a questionnaire is designed to analyze the profile of teachers and students of ELE online - aimed at the level A2 and B1 of the language - and identify strategies that each applies to the acquisition of the lexicon and culture. In this section, the quantitative analysis of the questionnaires is carried out to define each of the profiles. Then a comparative analysis of the results is performed to provide an overview in detail to observe distance and closeness in the treatment of both components in teachers and students. Finally, a qualitative analysis of ELE sessions online is presented to show some of the differences between the classroom and virtual modality. According to the results of the theoretical-practical research and the quantitative and qualitative analysis, a didactic proposal for the teaching of online ELE on the lexicon and culture at levels A2 - B1 is provided. The characteristics of the virtual modality are reflected in seven thematic modules that materialize the findings of the empirical study and serve as the basis for future projects. In the didactic proposal, attention is given to the selection criteria of the teaching-learning strategies for the lexical and cultural component, the characteristics that define the virtual modality and the teaching experience of the researcher herself. On this basis, activities are designed that enrich the process of acquiring the lexicon and culture with the support of technology.