The hidden depression of the unstable child a psychomotor approach

  1. Boscaini, F
  2. Cachón-Zagalaz, J 1
  3. Díaz-Suárez, A 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén

    Universidad de Jaén

    Jaén, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


Journal of sport and health research

ISSN: 1989-6239

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Mayo-Agosto

Volume: 13

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Journal of sport and health research


Childhood hyperactivity has always been an object of interest to educators and clinicians, each differently. The use of different clinical frameworks and terms, especially concerning hyperactivity and instability, seems to highlight that there is no common vision. Certainly, the picture is multi-problematic, it can change during the age of development and also become, in adulthood, other pathologies, especially psychiatric ones. This raises the question of the relationship between organic and environmental factors. Hence the need to consider motor skills not only in instrumental but also psychic terms through a historical-scientific and medical-psychological clinical analysis in relation to the psychomotor approach. The problem of excess movement as a predominant symptom, in addition to impulsivity and attention deficit, has always affected psychomotricity, which considers movement to be the representative of the whole person. It needs to understand the motor disorder with the contribution of many disciplines and theories. Psychomotricity is not restricted to the study of functional motor skills, but it is interested in psychical motor skills, in meta-motricity. For this reason, the distinction between hyperactivity as a functional and behavioral disorder and psychomotor instability as a person disharmony is a first attempt to at clarifying this consistent fact. Excessive movement, instead of being the expression of a cortical inhibitory deficit, can represent a deep anguish and, sometimes, beyond appearances, even a depressive state. Notwithstanding the forms of hyperactivity with an organic basis, if psychomotor instability is the expression of the complexity of the person, also with his subjectivity, it is obvious that it cannot be understood through a single theory and that it cannot be treated through a single method. With this historical-scientific and clinical study, the authors intend to make extensive reflections in order to enable the formulation of hypotheses for future research.

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