Fútbol y Tecnologíaanálisis del rendimiento en entrenamiento y competición en fútbol semiprofesional

  1. Reche Soto, Pedro Jose
Supervised by:
  1. Arturo Díaz Suárez Director
  2. José Pino Ortega Director
  3. Donaldo Cardona Nieto Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 03 March 2021

  1. Juan A. Párraga Montilla Chair
  2. Eliseo García Cantó Secretary
  3. María Reina Román Committee member

Type: Thesis


OBJECTIVES 1. To analyze the validity and reliability reported by the different indexes and variables of neuromuscular, tactical and kinematic load in semi-professional soccer. 2. To know/describre/highlight the training and competition characteristics and demands in semi-professional soccer. 3. To analyze the differences derived from the use of two types of radiofrequency technologies for the control of external load in semi-professional football. METHODOLOGY From the perspective of the objectives, this Doctoral Thesis by compendium of publications has used a descriptive, correlational, explanatory and exploratory methodology to respond the general objectives and in each specific objectives of the scientific articles. CONCLUSIONS Both technologies can be used, but it is recommended to use the same one always, when finding differences between the variables total distance and average speed from GNSS and LPS. Both the Player Load and the AcelT are two valid load indexes for determining neuromuscular demands, so their use can be done indistinctly both in training and in competition. Soccer players experience a decrease in performance over the course of minutes of play. Contextual variables such as the distribution of matches on the calendar, the location of the match (home or away), the partial result of the match, and the specific position of the player modify the external load to which the players are subjected. A strong relationship has been found between Player Load and Power Metabolic. The similar dynamics in both load indicators offers the possibility of using them for external load quantification. Finding differences between both technologies (GNSS and LPS) indicates that the tactical variables obtained from different technologies cannot be compared with each other. The game phase as well as the SSG format have a direct influence on the tactical analysis variables.