La condición física y su relación con la calidad de vida y el consumo de tabaco y alcohol en adolescentes de la Región de Murcia

  1. Nieto Lopez, Laura
Supervised by:
  1. Andrés Rosa Guillamón Director
  2. Pedro Luis Rodríguez García Director
  3. Eliseo García Cantó Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 May 2021

  1. Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar Chair
  2. María del Pilar Sainz de Baranda Andújar Secretary
  3. José Enrique Moral García Committee member

Type: Thesis


Introduction The increase in sedentary lifestyle and the lack of physical activity on the part of the adolescent population is becoming one of the problems of great repercussion in the well-being of the population and public health, with adolescence constitutes a sensitive period for the consolidation of behaviors that determine the lifestyle of an adult. In this way, the benefits of regular physical activity practice are numerous, affecting all levels of adolescent development. Objective The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between levels of physical condition, weight, gender, quality of life, and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol by adolescents in the Region of Murcia. Material and method This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study in 1037 adolescents (508 men and 529 women) aged between 14 and 17 years. The instruments that we have used to measure the indicated constructs are the following: - COFISA battery for the evaluation of physical condition related to health. - IPAQ questionnaire to measure the physical activity they perform in their daily life. - Questionnaire SF 36 for the evaluation of mental health. - Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Questionnaire for habitual tobacco consumption. - Questionnaire on alcohol consumption habits in adolescents for habitual alcohol consumption. Results One of the main results of our study refers to the fact that in a normal weight state, men showed better physical performance, while women obtained higher records in manual strength and coordination. Regarding quality of life, women had a higher perception of general health, and men perceived themselves better in emotional role and mental health. Subjects with greater physical condition showed higher values in the global quality of life. Those subjects who perform physical activity on a regular basis have a lower consumption of alcohol and tobacco, not doing both is related to a higher quality of life. Conclusion In this section we have developed each of the conclusions drawn, taking into account the objectives set out in this work. In this sense, adolescents of both sexes who are in a state of normal weight present a higher level of physical condition. On the other hand, adolescents who have a higher level of physical condition obtain higher levels of quality of life, also associated with greater motor coordination. Finally, it is noteworthy that adolescents with a higher level of physical activity present lower levels in terms of tobacco and alcohol consumption. Key words: adolescents, physical condition, tobacco, alcohol, quality of life.