Relación entre estilos educativos parentales, inteligencia emocional y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud

  1. Jodar Martinez, Rosalia
unter der Leitung von:
  1. María Pilar Martín Chaparro Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 13 von Dezember von 2019

  1. María Dolores Hidalgo Montesinos Präsident/in
  2. Emilio Sánchez Santa Bárbara Sekretär/in
  3. María del Carmen Cano Vocal

Art: Dissertation


First experiences in childhood and the influence of the closest social environment result in the way we see and face what happens around us, being the role of parents fundamental in this aspect, as they are used as models. The family is the most important context where we learn to socialize, and where we acquire the essential aspects of life. Family influences the acquisition of values, norms, roles, social and adaptive skills, healthy habits, etc. allowing the development of emotional skills, conflict resolution, the acquisition of prosocial behaviors, etc. It is where we fundamentally learn to recognize emotions and to understand and regulate them. Therefore, the way in which parents deal with emotional aspects will favor or impair the acquisition of emotional abilities in their children. Fundamental aspects for children and adolescents to reach a certain level of well-being are growing up in loving families, having trusted friends, positive lifestyles and solid moral values. Young people who experience greater personal well-being (feeling competent and supported) are less likely to be involved in risky behaviors and, at the same time, are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle, good academic performance, to face adversities, etc. (Layard and Dunn, 2011). The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between parental educational styles, emotional intelligence and health-related quality of life, as well as several sociodemographic factors related to these variables. In order to achieve this aim, a sample of 758 participants aged between 8 and 19 years old, from different educational centers in the Region of Murcia, were selected and filled the following questionnaires: Parental Educational Styles (ENE-H and EA-H), Emotional Intelligence (TMMS-24) and Health Questionnaire (SF-36). The WEKA intelligent data analysis program was used to analyze the results. Firstly, a regression analysis was carried out between each of the dimensions and, secondly, when relationships between variables were significant, the scores were categorized, what allowed us to know and specify what aspects of one variable are related to high or low scores in another variable. The results showed that the relationships between parental educational styles, emotional intelligence and health-related quality of life point to the relevance of how norms are established, the need to establish limits and to promote autonomy in the family environment. Thus, participants consider that the education exercised by the parents should pay special attention to these aspects for the development of an adequate emotional regulation. This one is considered of great relevance, since it can facilitate an adequate health-related quality of life. Therefore, we can consider that depending on parents’ educational style, their children will show greater or lesser emotional regulation, leading to their feeling of emotional well-being, adequate social functioning and high level of vital energy or, on the contrary, to develop disfunctions at the level of emotional and physical health. Therefore, family education is related to emotional intelligence and this one, in turn, to health-related quality of life.