Evaluación del perfil psicomotor con alumnos de 2º ciclo de educación infantil de 3 a 5 años

  1. Imbernon Gimenez, Susana
Supervised by:
  1. Arturo Díaz Suárez Director
  2. Alfonso Martínez Moreno Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 05 March 2020

  1. Pedro Gil Madrona Chair
  2. Javier Cachón Zagalaz Secretary
  3. Félix Zurita Ortega Committee member

Type: Thesis

Sustainable development goals


The main aim of this thesis is to know the psychomotor profile of children who are studying the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years of pre-school education. On the one hand, the research evaluates all pupils studying pre-school education and on the other hand, in a second phase, the research aims to put into practice a motor skill stimulation program, creating two groups, one control and one experimental. The main objective is to know the psychomotor skills of children, to assess whether this is relevant from a psychomotor evaluation and to determine the existence or not of improvement in the psychomotor profile of children undergoing the stimulation program with respect to those who have not received stimulation. To state that it is important to have knowledge regarding child psychomotor skills and that it coincides with the theoretical foundation, it has been essential to contrast the differences between gender and age (students born in the first or second semester of the year). Moreover, this research also intends to demonstrate that the psychomotor skills of children improve significantly when they are sometimes subjected to a motor practice that is more intense they receive in their classrooms; validating how important is to have a prior knowledge of the motor skills and helping to establish intervention plans. The research raises the following hypothesis: i) is it possible to know the psychomotor profile of our children today? ii) Does psychomotor development significantly improve when children are subjected to stimulation compared to those who do not receive stimulation? iii) Does the current psychomotor development of pre-school children coincide with the assessment scales? iv) Are the results obtained relevant to facilitate a work plan for teachers to help them estimate areas for improvement? The research has been carried out throughout a school year with pretest before starting the psychomotor stimulation sessions. Its has been executed for the entire research sample. Secondly, a psychomotor stimulaction. In this part of the study only the experimental group participates. The third part was dedicated to the posttestaround that is carried out through the entire sample. Finally, the fourth part is devoted to the analysis of data and results. McCarthy scales of Aptitudes and Psychomotor skills for children (MSCA, 2011). Of these scales have been used; 5 subscales (belonging to the motor scale) that evaluate gross and fine motor and fine. The sixth scale is the spatial orientation subtest, which is applied in order to obtain information about right and left orientation in children. The data has been anonymised following the criteria of the Ethics Committee of the University of Murcia. The treatment has been carried out through the application of the statistical program spss 23.0. The independent variables that have been analysed are gender and age. Dependent variables are gross and fine motor, arm coordination, imitative action, copy of drawings, drawing of a child, spatial earing and leg coordination. For the participation of the psychomotor sessions, the children were divided into two groups: experimental and control group. The experimental group being the two classes with the highest number of informed consents and the control group the rest of the children. The psychomotor sessions have been designed following the principles of Piaget (1969), Wallon (1974, 1978, 1979), Le Boulch (1971), Acoutier and Lapierre (1977) and the structure of Vaca (2014) and López (2017). The difference in the motor skills of children in the experimental group with respect to those in the control group will determine whether it is relevant to know the psychomotor profile of children and if this profile improves when they undergo stimulation regardless. The results reveal that by subjecting children to a psychomotor stimulation program has a significant effect on the development of psychomotor skills. Differences are also found in the overall psychomotor profile and in some children's abilities according to age. No differences are found according to gender. It is relevant to know the profile of our children before being subjected to a stimulation program. The information provided helps to establish intervention plans to help improve the development of children