Programas intergeneracionales que fomentan la participación social de las personas mayores en España. Una mirada desde el Trabajo Social
ISSN: 2173-0512
Any de publicació: 2021
Número: 22
Pàgines: 103-118
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Comunitania: Revista internacional de trabajo social y ciencias sociales
The present desk research study aims to systematically review, from the discipline of social work, programmes that enhance interaction and exchange between different generations as new opportunities for older people. Intergenerational programmes are among the most effective measures to bring people from different generations together, promote quality of life and are established as a means of empowerment in communities. The methodological process was carried out through a literature search in the Social Services Abstracts database providing bibliographic coverage of current research on the development of intergenerational programmes related to social work and social services. The results point to a lack of research on the study of the impact of intergenerational programmes that contribute to fostering the social participation of older people, between 2015 and 2020, in Spain.
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