Estudio del efecto diferencial, en personas mayores, de cuatro intervenciones basadas en las fortalezas humor, perdón, saboreo y significado y propósito en la vida
- Encarnación Ramírez Fernández Directora
- Ana Raquel Ortega Martínez Codirectora
- Gustavo Adolfo Reyes del Paso Codirector
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 27 de noviembre de 2020
- Antonio Maldonado López Presidente/a
- Ana García León Secretaria
- Humbelina Robles Ortega Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
The main objective was to compare in older people, the differential effect produced on welfare by four intervention, each one based on a specific fortitude: Humor, Forgiveness, Savoring and Purpose in life. Likewise, it was studied whether the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and place of residence affected the efficacy of the interventions. A mixed factorial quasi-experimental design with repeated measures, 2x5x4, was used. Three hundred institutionalized and non-institutionalized people over 60 years old participated in the study. The results of the study showed that all interventions increase welfare and improve depressive and anxious symptoms, with no differences between them. This effect was maintained until three months after the end of the training. Also, no differences in interventions depending on place of residence have been found, as well as no mediating effect on basic psychological needs.