Relación entre calidad de vida y procesos de cicatrización en heridas crónicas complicadas
- Francisco Pedro García Fernández Director
- José Javier Soldevilla Ágreda Codirector/a
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Jaén
Fecha de defensa: 19 de febrero de 2021
- José Verdú Soriano Presidente/a
- Laura Parra Anguita Secretaria
- Joan Enric Torra Bou Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
Objective: To determine the relationship between quality of life and the healing process of patients with complicated chronic wounds. Methodology: Observational study of repeated measurements of a cohort of patients with complicated chronic wounds. The baseline situation of HRQL was analysed using the CWIS and the existing relationship of injury healing measured by RESVESH was sought. Patients with wounds of diverse aetiology were included. Results: The quality of life measured by CWIS is low, which improves significantly as the patients' injury does and at the end of the study. Correlations between beginning and month of beginning and end were also analyzed, segmenting the sample by different variables, sex, complete healing or not, type of injury, recurrent injury or way of coexistence, and in no case were statistically significant relationships found. Conclusions: The results showed that chronic wounds had compromised the quality of life, and the "well-being" domain was the most affected, especially when associated with clinical factors. Among the clinical conditions associated with poorer quality of life, duration, wound type, depth, appearance, exudate, odour and pain were highlighted.