Normas imperativas y deberes de información en la contratación electrónica
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1696-0351
Année de publication: 2019
Número: 49
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista Aranzadi de derecho y nuevas tecnologías
The progress of the Information Society Services in the European Union has certain limitations for the lack of coordination and adjustment of national legislations. The spatial scope of the Directive on electronic commerce and the Law on Information Services and Electronic Commerce seek to combine the different interests in different categories of situations so that their connections include as many assumptions as possible. In any case, situations may arise that, even if they present a connection with the European Union, fall outside their scope of application. The importance of protecting the rules on information duties in electronic contracting means that, in certain cases, its consideration as imperative rules can be justified before and after the electronic contract is perfected, in order to promote security legal in this type of transactions.