Las decisiones de adecuación en las transferencias internacionales de datosEl caso del flujo de datos entre la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos

  1. Sobrino García, Itziar 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Vigo

    Universidade de Vigo

    Vigo, España


Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo

ISSN: 1138-4026

Ano de publicación: 2021

Ano: 25

Número: 68

Páxinas: 227-256

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.18042/CEPC/RDCE.68.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo


This paper aims to analyze the elements that have led to the invalidation of the current Privacy Shield, the agreement between the European Union and the United States for cross-border data transfers, because of the Schrems II case. To this end, this work focuses on establishing the concept of adequate level and adequacy decision through legal analysis and literature review. Once studied, after a brief contextualization of the agreement that preceded it, the gaps or initial problems of the Privacy Shield are examined, as well as the arguments given by the Court of Justice of the European Union for its invalidation.

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