Retos de la inclusión educativaDificultades de aprendizaje en la diversidad funcional auditiva

  1. Yessica Sánchez Hernández
  2. María José Flores Tena
Quaderns d'animació i educació social

ISSN: 1698-4404

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 30

Type: Article

More publications in: Quaderns d'animació i educació social


According to the Declaration of Salamanca (UNESCO, 1994), a political document that defends the principles of inclusive education, it is proposed that all students have the right to develop their potential and skills that allow them to participate in society. However, strange as it may seem, twenty-five years later we continue talking about inclusion, since some difficulties or disabilities continue to be invisible to the education system and the practices of some education professionals. It may be that for some teachers or teachers, the simple fact of coming to class the first day and detect a student with special educational needs, can be a barrier, but should not be understood as such, it is necessary to raise awareness about the importance of considering it as a new personal and professional challenge of so many we have faced since the incredible adventure of entering the world of education begins. Each one of the people that make up the educational system must have a deserved educational response, and a good professional must commit and bet for social enrichment. Through this article we aim to guide all those educational professionals who understand the diversity of their classroom, and especially the auditory functional diversity

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