¿Qué es un embrión? Panorama de algunas posiciones filosóficas
- Anne Fagot-Largeault
- Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval
- José Luis Solana
ISSN: 0214-7564, 2340-2792
Year of publication: 2013
Issue: 29
Type: Article
More publications in: Gazeta de antropología
The authors present the main ethical positions taken in the debate on the status of the embryo and the human foetus (Can the foetus or should it be granted the status of a person? Does a foetus have rights? Does the foetus deserve respect?). The debate has arisen in relation to issues such as abortion, in vitro fertilization techniques, and biomedical research and intervention. Three main ethical positions are distinguished, showing the difficulties and contradictions posed: vitalist position, according to which the human being is a person from the moment of conception; the relational position, which refers to a person-based status, dignity, and respect in autonomy and rationality; and pragmatic position, which leaves aside the reflection and discussion of the ontological status of the human embryo and foetus to focus on finding rational agreements on how to treat the embryo and the human foetus, considering the suffering that they may or may not cause. The authors conclude by pointing out a fourth possible position: ethics based on an ontology that refers to progressives stages of human embryonic development and therefore focuses on reflection and ethical decisions concerning the status of the embryo in individual thresholds and stages of embryonic development.
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