Efectividad de la enfermera de práctica avanzada en el cuidado de los pacientes con úlceras por presión en atención primaria
- Juan Francisco Jiménez García
- Gabriel Aguilera Manrique
- Josefa Arboledas Bellón
- María Gutiérrez García
- Francisco González Jiménez
- Francisco Pedro García Fernández
ISSN: 1134-928X
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Pages: 28-33
Type: Article
More publications in: Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of EPA-HCC in the care of patients with pressure ulcers. Methods: A multi-center quasiexperimental study with two measurements without a control group was carried out, in terms of preventive measures and treatments applied to patients with UPP in the Districts or Sanitary Management Areas where the EPA-HCC is being piloted: District Sanitario Poniente, Jaén North-Northeast Health Management Area, Serrania de Ronda Sanitary Management Area, between September 2015 and October 2016. A self-administered ad-hoc document was used for all the nurses who had patients under their care, performing a descriptive analysis thereof. Results: A total of 335 professionals responded in 2015 and 308 in 2016 (response rate of 89.1%), attending the three districts to a total population of 707,814 inhabitants. Regarding the preventive measures of the use of Special Systems for the Management of the Pressure (SEMP) there has been an increase of 6% its use from one year to another, a decrease of 4% the total of UPP, a decrease in the consumption of hydrofiber dressings with silver almost 50% and with a decrease of RESVECH in 52% of the first year to the second. Conclusions: There is an improvement in the optimization of resources, in the preventive measures put in place to achieve the objectives set and the need to continue training in local treatments and types of debridement to be created.
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