Papel del control instruccional en el estudio de las tendencias de regulación verbal

  1. Dyanne Ruiz Castañeda 1
  2. Maria Inmaculada Gómez Becerra 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Almería, España
Universitas psychologica

ISSN: 1657-9267

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Pages: 135-152

Type: Article

DOI: 10.11144/JAVERIANA.UPSY15-2.PCIE DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Universitas psychologica

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The Verbal regulation has been studied extensively from Relational Frame Theory for being at the basis of many psychological phenomena, including learning processes in childhood. The present study has as main objective to assess if more effective learning procedure with instructional control (experimental analogue type regulation pliance) vs. without instructional control procedure, only strengthening the direct (regulation similar type experimental tracking). The secondary aim is to: assess the effectiveness of treatments differentially according to the initial tendency to follow or not the instructions and evaluate its relationship with variables involved in individual differences. We used a single case design with replicas and analysis ABCA between subjects. The sample consisted of 9 participants (5 boys and 4 girls) aged between 12 and 15 years. Participants performed a computer task in which assessed their tendency to follow or not the instructions, then performed two blocks of training, one based on the control in shaping instructional and other direct contingencies; finally back valued their tendency initial. Additionally, participants had to answer a test on your daily habits. The results showed that participants respond faster and with less error rate in the first training (instructional control) and variables such as stiffness, self-control and instructional monitoring could be related to the ease in learning them.