El mortero pseudocerámico como material artístico en ámbito de la docencia universitaria

  1. Jesús Montoya Herrera 1
  2. Antonio Horno López 1
  3. Manuel Bru Serrano 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Jaén, España
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada, Esapña

ISSN: 2174-7822

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 6

Pages: 50-58

Type: Article

More publications in: DOCREA


The intrinsic characteristics of the pseudoceramic mortar (so called because of its similar appearance to ferruginous pastes), such as its good malleability and plasticity, the fact that it doesn ́t need to be cooked to achieve an acceptable hardness and mechanical strength and its low percentage contraction after setting, Makes it an interesting material to be used in sculptural and artistic processes in the field of university teaching. It`s a low cost material (always grateful for the student) that allows to obtain definitive pieces without any complex or expensive process like the cooking or other processes of molding and emptying. This mortar is composed of a hydraulic binder (portland cement or similar), clay (element that contributes to plasticity), aggregates and water. The different mortar compounds, proportions and their possible variants, the way of preparation, techniques of work and a proposal of use in the teaching of the sphere of sculpture or other artistic processes are presented. We present in turn the different mortar compounds, proportions and their possible variants, the way of preparation, working techniques and a proposal of use in the teaching of the field of sculpture or other artistic processes.

Bibliographic References

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