Modelos de estimación de riesgo cardiovascular y papel de enfermería en la prevención

  1. José Manuel Martínez Linares
  2. Rafael Guisado Barrilao
  3. Francisco Ocaña Peinado
Enfermería en cardiología: revista científica e informativa de la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Cardiología

ISSN: 1575-4146

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 63

Pages: 44-48

Type: Article

More publications in: Enfermería en cardiología: revista científica e informativa de la Asociación Española de Enfermería en Cardiología

Sustainable development goals


Cardiovascular Disease continues to be the first leading cause of death in developed countries and is spreading as an epidemic to developing ones. There are a number of Global Cardiovascular Risk assessment models that simultaneously take into account several Cardiovascular Risk Factors, as it is advisable. The aim of this review article is to determine which Global Cardiovascular Risk assessment model is best suited for use with the Spanish population. Global Cardiovascular Risk. The Framingham model was the first one, ant it has calibrations for the Spanish population. There are some European estimates: the PROCAM model and the SCORE model. There are also specific models for patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus (the UKPDS model or the Archimedes model). We must use the SCORE chart, as it estimates the risk for any fatal cardiovascular event over 10 years and is calibrated for the Spanish population. Nevertheless, we should consider that it has a number of limitations. According to different studies, the Nursing Staff should coordinate the Cardiovascular Disease prevention programs.