Incidencia de lesiones relacionadas con la dependencia en una población de pacientes críticos

  1. Alba Roca-Biosca
  2. Rubio Rico, Lourdes
  3. Molina Fernández, Inmaculada de
  4. Tuset Garijo, María Gemma
  5. Colodrero Díaz, E.
  6. García Fernández, Francisco Pedro
Enfermería clínica

ISSN: 1130-8621

Année de publication: 2016

Volumen: 26

Número: 5

Pages: 307-311

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Enfermería clínica


Aim To determine the incidence of various types of dependence-related lesions (DRL) on a population of critically ill patients. Method Descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study in an Intensive Care Unit from January 2014 to January 2015. Adult patients who did not present DRL at the moment of admission were included. Those with brain death and/or stay at the unit for more than two days were excluded. Patients were studied till they developed DRL, were exitus, discharged or stayed for more than 14 days. Each patient was evaluated daily till DRL did develop or was excluded from the study. If DRL did develop it was photographed and related data were recorded. The comparison between quantitative variables of normal distribution was done with the t de Student. The Mann-Whitney U was used to compare the other variables. Qualitative variables were compared through Pearson's chi square. In both cases p≤.05 was considered significant. Results 295 patients were included, 27.45% of them developed DRL. The density of incidence was 41 DRL/1,000 days at risk. 50.62% of DRL were categorized as PU. 17.28% were moisture injuries, 13.58% were due to friction and the rest were combined injuries. The risk according to EMINA and Braden scale was significantly different in the group of patients with lesions compared to the group without them. Conclusions Not all injuries were caused by pressure. Specific prevention strategies based on different causal mechanisms are required.

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