Factores clave para la búsqueda del aprendizaje organizacional en la cadena de suministrouna aproximación teórica
- Castillo Mateo, Belén 1
- Tamayo Torres, Javier 1
- Cabeza Pullés, Dainelis 1
- Roldán Bravo, María Isabel 2
- Ruiz Moreno, Antonia 1
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1988-9046
Year of publication: 2016
Issue Title: Internacionalización y competitividad de la economía andaluza y de sus empresas
Issue: 1
Pages: 92-117
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época
Given the significant role played by subcontracting in recent years and the rise of supply chains, manage them efficiently is a key factor to consider for improving business performance. A good relationship with customers / suppliers increases the flow of communication and information between them, allowing them to learn from each other, making and organizational learning have come to obtain a cooperative advantage that is beneficial to both. However, despite being many advantages of this relationship, companies are reluctant to share information about your organization, meeting the controversy of losing control and protection of your organization. The objectives of this work are to analyze the influence of organizational learning within the supply chain because it improves the situation of the company, not only in terms of reducing costs but also optimize performance, consider some of the variables that influence this learning and suggest several proposals, laying the groundwork for future research.
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